DK09 Interview -- Kamen Riders DiS / DOTW and the Future....
Friday, June 4th, 2010
Friday, June 4th, 2010
This Interview was done through AIM. If you want to leave a comment about this interview, than leave one on the HOME Page under the latest post. Thanks for reading!
Hello again, DK09. Alright let's get down to it. What can the fans expect for the finale of DiS?
The fans can expect a major battle to ensue between the Riders and Abyss and there are 2 deaths in the finale...well really 10, but those are just people, they're not part of the main "cast" and I like the ending of it. It's gunna be awesome.
Now, DOTW is coming out in July. Have you even started writing it yet?
Actually, the entire season is completed and it starts on July 10th, 2010 with a 2 Chapter premiere on XD
Excellent, so what is DOTW going to be about?
Well, there are 2 plots to the story. The 1st plot is that this evil disgusting man named Master Tazorac, has been sealed to hell for 10,000 years and the force-field around the new world, breaks and now he's able to free himself and he causes major havoc to the new world. And the 2nd plot is that a Kamen Rider is murdered. And the big mystery is...Who did it? And a lot of people know the truth but they won't confess or tell. It's pretty big and you'll be shocked on who the killer is.
When you say this man is disgusting, how disgusting are we talking about? LOL
He's pretty disgusting. I described him as long dirty silver hair, he has rotted teeth with bugs crawling around them, he has 4 eyes and he has a gigantic horn on his head and he's just gross, but if you were sealed away in hell for 10,000 years, you'd come out disgusting too.
Now, I was shocked when Maya and Mike did what they did and what the end result was, what's going to happen in the finale?
Yea, I was surprised too. I don't want to give away too much but the ending, it gets emotional, I mean there's this person that you love and then you find out that they betrayed you in the worst way, I wrote some emotion into it and I like how it came out.
Back to DOTW, will there be any love triangles or rectangles?
No, I mean it's only 10 Chapters and even writing the murder plot was hard, because you have to cram it all in with only 10 Chapters, so there's no love drama, but there is love. There will always be love. :)
Will Janet be in DOTW?
Of course! She doesn't have a major role but she's involved. But she's only doing what she's doing to protect her loved ones. She's a protective mother from a bed with restraints, but Janet is very entertaining. She has a lot of scenes with CHiCA and Kase. You'll have to read DOTW, on why CHiCA and Janet are interacting so much.
So what's next for you, KRDK fan-fic wise?
Um, I don't know. There is KR: DOKC The Prologue that will be released sometime in October or September, I'm not sure. I have written a wedding Chapter for Kit and Maya an extremely long time ago, so maybe down the road, I'll post it somewhere. And I have written a small part of KR: Defenders of Time, but if it'll ever see the light of day, I can't say.
What is this Defenders of Time about?
Like I said, it's not much. It's only 2 Chapters that I wrote. It's this futuristic Kamen Rider that enters a portal and he asks for the Riders of DOKC to travel to the future with him, to help him beat this evil warlord. So the Riders have to go to the future and all that stuff... It's not much. Will I ever finish it? Maybe. Will it ever be released? I don't know.
OK, final question. Are you happy with the way DOKC / DiS came out. This "huge" fan-fic franchise?
Yes, I never in my wildest dreams ever thought of writing a fan-fic, and having fans and having it published to sites and all that stuff. Never. I am deeply satisfied with my trilogy with DOKC / DiS / DOTW. I mean 60 freakin Chapters, in a year in a half time, is incredible. And I just want to thank everyone for their support and that they keep supporting the franchise and spread the news around, make this fan-fic known. I've worked on this fan-fic more than I should have, I even let some of my grades in school drop because of this. (But I picked them back up, LOL) So yes, I am deeply satisfied with the way everything turned out.
Hello again, DK09. Alright let's get down to it. What can the fans expect for the finale of DiS?
The fans can expect a major battle to ensue between the Riders and Abyss and there are 2 deaths in the finale...well really 10, but those are just people, they're not part of the main "cast" and I like the ending of it. It's gunna be awesome.
Now, DOTW is coming out in July. Have you even started writing it yet?
Actually, the entire season is completed and it starts on July 10th, 2010 with a 2 Chapter premiere on XD
Excellent, so what is DOTW going to be about?
Well, there are 2 plots to the story. The 1st plot is that this evil disgusting man named Master Tazorac, has been sealed to hell for 10,000 years and the force-field around the new world, breaks and now he's able to free himself and he causes major havoc to the new world. And the 2nd plot is that a Kamen Rider is murdered. And the big mystery is...Who did it? And a lot of people know the truth but they won't confess or tell. It's pretty big and you'll be shocked on who the killer is.
When you say this man is disgusting, how disgusting are we talking about? LOL
He's pretty disgusting. I described him as long dirty silver hair, he has rotted teeth with bugs crawling around them, he has 4 eyes and he has a gigantic horn on his head and he's just gross, but if you were sealed away in hell for 10,000 years, you'd come out disgusting too.
Now, I was shocked when Maya and Mike did what they did and what the end result was, what's going to happen in the finale?
Yea, I was surprised too. I don't want to give away too much but the ending, it gets emotional, I mean there's this person that you love and then you find out that they betrayed you in the worst way, I wrote some emotion into it and I like how it came out.
Back to DOTW, will there be any love triangles or rectangles?
No, I mean it's only 10 Chapters and even writing the murder plot was hard, because you have to cram it all in with only 10 Chapters, so there's no love drama, but there is love. There will always be love. :)
Will Janet be in DOTW?
Of course! She doesn't have a major role but she's involved. But she's only doing what she's doing to protect her loved ones. She's a protective mother from a bed with restraints, but Janet is very entertaining. She has a lot of scenes with CHiCA and Kase. You'll have to read DOTW, on why CHiCA and Janet are interacting so much.
So what's next for you, KRDK fan-fic wise?
Um, I don't know. There is KR: DOKC The Prologue that will be released sometime in October or September, I'm not sure. I have written a wedding Chapter for Kit and Maya an extremely long time ago, so maybe down the road, I'll post it somewhere. And I have written a small part of KR: Defenders of Time, but if it'll ever see the light of day, I can't say.
What is this Defenders of Time about?
Like I said, it's not much. It's only 2 Chapters that I wrote. It's this futuristic Kamen Rider that enters a portal and he asks for the Riders of DOKC to travel to the future with him, to help him beat this evil warlord. So the Riders have to go to the future and all that stuff... It's not much. Will I ever finish it? Maybe. Will it ever be released? I don't know.
OK, final question. Are you happy with the way DOKC / DiS came out. This "huge" fan-fic franchise?
Yes, I never in my wildest dreams ever thought of writing a fan-fic, and having fans and having it published to sites and all that stuff. Never. I am deeply satisfied with my trilogy with DOKC / DiS / DOTW. I mean 60 freakin Chapters, in a year in a half time, is incredible. And I just want to thank everyone for their support and that they keep supporting the franchise and spread the news around, make this fan-fic known. I've worked on this fan-fic more than I should have, I even let some of my grades in school drop because of this. (But I picked them back up, LOL) So yes, I am deeply satisfied with the way everything turned out.
Kamen Riders: DiS May Sweeps Promo
Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
Here is a Promo of what you can expect this month on KR: DiS. (Also, New Chapters start May 15th, 2010)
Kamen Riders: DiS May Sweeps Promo (YouTube)
DK09 Interview -- Kamen Riders DOKC / DiS / DOTW
Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
Here is a Promo of what you can expect this month on KR: DiS. (Also, New Chapters start May 15th, 2010)
Kamen Riders: DiS May Sweeps Promo (YouTube)
DK09 Interview -- Kamen Riders DOKC / DiS / DOTW
Friday, April 30th, 2010
This Interview was done through AIM. If you want to leave a comment about this interview, than leave one on the HOME Page under the latest post. Thanks for reading!
Thanks DK09 for taking some time to answer some questions
LOL, thanks for even contacting me! I've never done an interview before!
Alright, I am a BIG Fan of DOKC / DiS, how did all of this start?
I like to call DOKC a happy mistake. Basically, CHiCA Kosaka and I were in a chat room on and we were just really bored and we started having some fun and we were creating our own "episode" and we were Kamen Riders.
CHiCA Kosaka posted some of the "episode" onto her blog and I posted some of it on a website and a lot of people liked it and I said, "Gee. Maybe we should continue writing!" and that's how it all started. Plus I was also inspired by another fan-fic on KamenConnection at that time.
But you became the head writer for DOKC, correct?
Yea. CHiCA and I wrote Chapter 1-3 together and than after that I took over. I don't know how it really happened though.
How do you get the word out about your fan-fics?
I make "posters" with info on the fan-fic. CHiCA has a twitter page that gives updates on the Chapters. I make YouTube Videos or Promos and I post them on blogs or forums. We kinda go all out when it comes to promotion because that's important, you WANT people to read it and that's what you gotta do sometimes.
It's funny, I saw a kid reading DOKC on his iPod Touch. I wanted to say hi and stuff but I thought, "No way! That'd be weird!" but it goes to show you that promotion works.
LOL! I've noticed that you are a Power Rangers fan, is there any elements that influence DOKC / DiS?
Well of course! I've been a PR fan since 1998, so I've been watching for 11 years so there are a lot of influences in DOKC. For example, when Xaviax separated from Slater that was a direct statement from Mesogog separating from Anton Mercer (DinoThunder) and when Xaviax possessed Slater it was more of a Dai Shi / Jarrod situation (Jungle Fury), so of course there are influences from PR in my writing. I think you'll notice it more in DiS.
Ah, We'll get to DiS in a second, but did you ever feel nervous when releasing Chapters?
Oh yea! There were many times when I'd re-write Chapters thinking, "This is too mature or what if people hate me for doing this!" but I realized, "I'm a writer, and you gotta give it your all and if you don't than that's what doesn't lead to success."
Now, how did Defenders in Space happen?
I remember that I promised a lot of the fans that I would make a Space Chapter for DOKC but plans changed and I never wrote one and I think people were disappointed. So one day, I said, "Ya know what? I'm gunna make it up to everyone and write an entire freakin fan-fic about space." And then I made my logo and than the announcement, I got positive feedback and than I began preparing.
DiS has a similar plot to PR: Lost Galaxy, care to explain?
No, it doesn't at all. You may think it does, but that's not the case. I re-wrote KR: DiS 1 HOUR before the releasement because the original was boring. I had them sitting in a cockpit for the entire fan-fic. I find it 100% more interesting if a city is involved because it adds diversity and it adds substance. I am familiar with PRLG and SOME parts do resemble the plot, it was never intended for it to be.
And I mean how cool is a city inside a spaceship?I mean really? I wish that happened in real life! And the new world concept where there is no evil, I think that's amazing! I wish there was a world in space protected by a force field where no evil could enter.
Why did you kill Master Eubulon?!? Will he ever return in his human form?
Wow! A lot of people are shocked! I love adding twists and turns to a fan-fic and I think it makes it more interesting. And I want to show people that even though this is "fantasy" and it's not all flowers and sunshine. So I "killed" him off. LOL, I don't know. I haven't really written the finale yet so anything is possible but as of right now, no, I won't be bringing him back. I do have something planned but I don't want to give anything away.
What can we expect to see in the upcoming Chapters of KR: DiS?
Again, I don't want to give anything away but Maya and Kit will face a VERY difficult decision. Maya does something VERY DRASTIC and lots of people in the space colony will hate her for it. Len and Kase, someone from their past returns and they will NOT be happy about it. I think the Len and Kase / mystery person storyline relates to a lot of people and that everyone deserves a second chance in life and that you should never waste you life on hating someone.
CHiCA finds a new man, named Mark and he will be joining the Riders. Abyss is alive and well and has an ultimate plan to destroy the space colony and so much more will be featured in the new Chapters, so I'm excited for everyone to read it.
Now you say that 2 Riders from DOKC will be returning who are they?
You'll have to read and find out but I will say one of the Riders that I bring back is someone that I regret writing the way I did in DOKC. I brought him back and wrote him the way I should have in DOKC and I'm happy with the way he turned out.
There is also a Jungle Fury reference in a Chapter regarding the 2nd Rider with the "Everyone has an animal spirit" I kinda did away with the DNA Coding of the Advent Deck.
Will there be a new fan-fic after Defenders in Space?
Yes! It'll be called Kamen Riders: Defenders of the Wild and it will be the LAST fan-fic for me. I want to lay DOKC to rest and I think 3 installments are good enough for a fan-fic. I can write a million fan-fics after DOTW but at this time, it's not worth it and I'll run out of material eventually.
Will KR: DOTW be on like the others?
Wow, I haven't even thought about it but now that you mention it, no, it won't be on I might make a blogger site instead and post everything on there. I kinda wanna take back control of the story a little so that's another reason.
But Adam from KamenConnection has been so nice putting up with my craziness and I also want to give him a break. I've "known" him for 5 years, LOL. I was the crazy person who posted on his guestbook every 2 seconds. So I think it's time that I give him a break.
There are A LOT of couples in DOKC / DiS. Will there be any romance in DOTW?
LOL, we'll see. I haven't even written the fan-fic yet but I don't want to have a million couples. But I think Len may have some romance, I dunno.
OK, last question, Do you have a basic idea of what DOTW will be about?
Somewhat. It'll be basically the Riders adapting to the new world. I haven't even written a prologue for it but it'll be Kamen Rider, so you can expect to see some epic battles in the jungle! I have some of it mapped out in my head and it's interesting.
Thanks so much DK09 for your time, is it OK if we do another interview before the DiS Finale?
Thanks so much for asking me to do an interview! And of course! Thanks for being a fan!
Kamen Riders: Defenders of the Wild
Sunday, April 25th, 2010
This is my new fan-fic that will be released on Saturday, July 10th, 2010. There will be 10 Chapters. Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming months!